Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Court and Judges Greivances

If you really think that a Judge in your community is a bad seed and not just PMSing (this is ment for the anal retentative male judges in our system) what you need to do is STAND right outside his courthouse on his calander dates and ask people coming out if he or she has violated his or her rights like the judge violated yours. If it has happened to you, it was bound to happen to someone else as well. If it has, give them a copy of the Judicial Conduct form and ask them to please fill it out and send. Again this is the easiest way to get people to listen. If you are the cair at Judicial Conduct and see one folder on a judge compared to 120 folders on another judge who would you review?

The Commision on Judicial Conducts website is:

The Code of Judicial Conduct is:

The Complaint Form is:

Make sure you request any and all documentation and send it with the complaint outlining what was done in violation of the law and ethics. Pay for the court transcripts if you can and send a copy highlighting the part and then footnote the case or law that shows that what was done was illegal.

For Laws in regards to any case in New York:

Find your local law library and be sure to ask for help.

Above all else, ask if you can appeal and if you can do it. Make sure you have a lawyer who will do what you want not what the opposing party wants. Good luck in any endeavor, and I hope this information has helped.

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