Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Social Services Links and Info

Many New Yorkers are homeless, poverty stricken or without healthcare. I don't equate that everyone who is on welfare deserves it but there is a suprising amount of people currently barely above the poverty level if not falling below it that need help. To top this, we as americans have a crisis in the housing market that is crumbling our ability to keep let alone buy houses.

Local Departments of Social Services:

For Laws in regards to Social Services plese go here and look up SOS


Included in lawhelp is a lawyer referal system that all indigent persons should look to use for free legal services if an when necessary.

One of the main problems facing social services as an indigent person, is that no lawyer may represent you in a fair hearing before an administrative judge in regards to your case. Their are a few Pro Bono advocacy groups that are willing to go to bat but this inequality is unfair to the common applicant who is usually quite frankly unknowledgable of the legal issues and ramifications of these cases. My contention is that this is exactly why their are homeless and a direct statistical corelation can be drawn with surmountable evidence by the counties fair hearing logs and a cross reference with vagrency arrests by name.

I hope that this information has helped you. Remember to read NYCRR related to your issue. Remember to read the laws related and most of all go to your Local Law Library and look up the cases. Dont be afraid to ask for help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Joseph, well done, your collection was brilliant! keep up the good work!

Social Services Job Descriptions